Sunday, November 22, 2009

The tumbler

Mr Salgado replied, 'The right philosophy. Either you choose to observe and classify, or you choose to imagine and classify. It is a real dilemma.'
- Reef, Romesh Gunesekera

A tumbler with a deep belly,
And a slender, refined neck,
Tapering to a pout.
A deep belly, so empty,
That makes a hollow sound,
That needs a recreation,
An occupation, a song.
That seeks an idea, a thought,
A theory, a possibility,
Of infinite complexity,
An issue of importance,
With certain ramifications,
To ruminate on.

A deep belly, for controversy,
An allegation of complicity,
Apathy or even hostility,
What ever the supposition,
It can't be ruled out.
Until of course another thought,
Or fasciniation, with greater animation,
Or just indigestion,
Depending on the angle of the pout,
Depth of the belly,
Deep rumbling of the earth,
Or even something in the air,
Who knows?