Sunday, January 15, 2006

More wild animals!


Eric said...

Where did you find that fierce creature? Roaming the jungles of the Indian wilderness? You shouldn't get so close!

Wriju said...

You forget I was raised in the wild too ;-)

Wriju said...

Careful who you call bad looking! Both of us bite when provoked ;-)

Tai said...

oooh, scary!

Wriju said...

Yes, such gruesome pictures! Hope you can sleep tonight ...

And you are sweet and sour :-)

Wriju said...

Now who's stalking me ;-)
A sugar-coated bitter pill?

Wriju said...

18th September 1980. I am completely divisible by 9! When's yours?

Wriju said...

I may retire 15 days after you ;-)Unless ofcourse everything goes according to plan and I retire at 40 and play golf all day everyday and travel all around the world!!

Wriju said...

Not a golf player! But it's one of those things I'd love to do. Walk amidst the greens and dismiss white balls from my presence..
Have been to North America many times. Once to Europe and once to Singapore...
Dream destinations - Greece and Kenya...
A week from now I am in SFO!
Which places have you been to?

Wriju said...

San Francisco!!
It's really late out here. I could barely concentrate on my book today! Time for me to hit the sack. Have a nice one :-)

Josh said...

Your doggie looks sweet.

Figurines of glass said...

Love annie lennox too..most of her songs have an eerie feel to them..but somewhere its pain with a hint of sarcasm n detachment..always..
beautiful dog...
so much in common..

JM said...

Cute doggie.

x said...

your dog is a menace. you must be one too. much love. sorry i've been away. internet issues are worsening before they get better.

Camphor said...

Teh second last picture - what did Bruno do before getting up to that sheepish look? (I bet just cleaning the nose, but anyway.)
Doggie adorable. :D Patch of sunshine.

Wriju said...

Yes, I am still a baby :-)

Liz, Angel:

Meet Bruno! He is my best buddy :-D

Tell me:
So much in common .. between Bruno and me? He has a tail and looks much cuter. Have to ask him if he listens to Annie Lennox ;-)

Oh he is a bit camera shy! He doesn't like the Paparazzi chasing him around...

Wriju said...

That why we put the sign "Beware!" Come back soon.