Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Blinded By You

Can’t get you,
Out of my head.
So dazzled,
By your whimsical ways.

Can’t comprehend,
Your setting me aside,
Yet your earnest longing,
When I am not beside.

Can’t see,
That self-evident truth.
These days,
I am blinded by you.

(Photos - From Empire State Building, Times Square, and Broadway)


Figurines of glass said...

i read ur page too, only not secretly :) u seem to b having a great time touring..n happy with someone too..good..keep the journey going!

JM said...

Love is suppose to be blinding.

Wriju said...

Ben: Yep. The photos are slightly dated(mid-Feb). Infact the snow storm happened afterwards :-)

Tell me:
Since I wasn't aware it shall be defined as 'secretly' ;-) Met my cousin after 8 long years!


x said...

oh someone in NY is in love!
it's so wonderful Wriju! And this is my favourite kind of blindness.
That is a lucky girl. xx

Eric said...

And I thought Paris was The City of Love...

Wriju said...

No the one in the picture is my cousin :-)
Please guys ... Since when did Wriju become so literal!