Sunday, October 15, 2006

To Freedom

Sand dunes will forget,
Every transgression of your footstep.
The wind can live without,
The shrill speech of your silent doubt.
The buzzards will look aside,
And leave your corpse to die.

Shards of hope still hang from trees,
These days they smell of futility.
Perhaps your dismal dance of death,
Is better than eternal complicity.
The parched land will darkness await,
As you plunge into the golden sunset.

(Pic from national geographic)


Anonymous said...

I add this to one of your best poems ~

Oh, and I love the picture..


Tanvi said...

That's one real nice poem.
And,yea....the pic's powerful.

x said...

i don't know what you mean exactly Wriju but whatever you mean, you expressed it beautifully. Which is what poetry is about.
I believe i saw this woman from Afghanistan that was just a girl in this photo a couple of years ago in a feature in a magazine. The eyes, that stare, are exactly the same.

Madhuri Shinde said...

The parched land will darkness await,
As you plunge into the golden sunset.

...beautiful lines.
I had seen this photo long back, but you have given an admirable meaning to it.

sophie said...


The photo completely compliments
the observor and the observed.

Figurines of glass said...

dear r u..n where r u?

How do we know said...

Hey Wriju.. you're tagged.

is there any particular reason why someone is overly cryptic these days? Or has me just descended into the group that understands nothing?!

How do we know said...

Hey Wriju.. you're tagged.

is there any particular reason why someone is overly cryptic these days? Or has me just descended into the group that understands nothing?!

Shruti said...

wonderful poem....
and this pic is just awasome..
conveying lots of emotions...

Wriju said...

Glad you liked it.
Thanks :-)


Yes she is from Afghanistan. The pic is from the 80s. National Geographic recently did another article on her and they had a hard time finding her. She looks different now, the fire's missing from her eyes.

The picture is something I added much later, for the blog entry. The poem is not about her really. But it could be about her.


No more:
Dear bondhu, here I am :-)

I am working on the tag right now!


Anonymous said...

this i would say is more from the heart than from the head. good flow of thought

Wriju said...

Proves I have a heart too :D
Hey Amu, thanks so much for the comments, please keep them raining.