Wednesday, January 02, 2008


This is my home now. And that is my cycle. That sleepy alley leads me to my new home. See how the signs scream 'Gymnase Henri Chapu'. The gym is actually right opposite my house and you can see kids outside the gym on regular evenings. That is my chateau with a beautiful garden. The pictures are from September and that is why the garden is so overwhelmingly green. So many people come to my town just to see the Chateau. Napolean lived here once. But the Chateau is many centuries older than him. It dates back to the times of Louis VII in the 12th century. Close to my town the Barbizon painters painted scores of paintings. In September, I would spend hours at the chateau. Staring at the garden. Admiring the swans, the shapely pond, the clear blue skies.
Those swans have flown away now that it is December. The sky isn't as blue as it was in September. It is predominantly gray, and the sun rises late in the day. It is so cold that my words shiver and refuse to leave the warmth of my home on Rue Henri Chapu.


Vasu said...

The second last picture reminds me of a lane in Pondy :)

Don't fret about the sun.. he's bound to come out of hiding soon.

Figurines of glass said...

good to see u back in the blogging world..and a very happy new yr..stay warm..

Wriju said...

Vasu :
You people from Pondy copy everything so shamelessly. waf!

Aurora :
A very happy new year to you. I can see that enchanted days are no more and has been replaced by a piece of sky ;)

Priyankari said...

Hay nice pics...u stay in a great place....lots of free space...the beauty along with the spaciousness is just too good a combo...Happy New Year to you!

Wriju said...

Thank you! The free space is the best part of this place :) But it is typical of me to fall in love with whichever place I live in.