Affects me. I'll be frank. This big window in my drawing room, it doesn't hide away the weather. So when its cloudy, the clouds come into my room and its no good when the clouds are in your room. They just mess everything up. They are very meddlesome, and they don't take a hint. So if my face is twisted in a grimace they pretend not to notice. When I don't answer questions, they pretend they never asked. They help themselves to tea or coffee and then they eat the ginger nut biscuits in my kitchen. The carpet becomes soggy and the walls feel damp and everything is oozing with melancholy.
see there, i have come back in spite of being banished.. say it one more time and will not return.. promise!
This post is nice.. the kind of writing that one was missing for a while.
Am glad u have come back to blogging.
Soggy carpets,damp walls and biscuits which have lost their crispness are indeed reasons enough to leave you feeling irritated and gloomy.
The "face twisted in a grimace" is justified.
What a pity! I was hoping to banish you a few more times :)
Whatever *grimace*
So you are also using kareena kapoor's Shakespearean quote..
*surprised look*
Cloudy writing.
Tell them to gallop away like travelling gypsies, waffo. :)
Has the sunshine seeped in enough now to dry the dampness and replace melancholy with smiles? :)
Evokes a lot of memories of London...nice writing
Koel, thanks and good to see you here :)
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