Sunday, March 26, 2006


When I was lying there,
Where the stars shone brightly,
And the moon,
Gazed back at me,
A cloud went by.

She paddled her feet,
On rippled water,
The waves rose up,
To greet her,
Before deciding to subside.

A sweet song,
Hummed its way,
Into my ears,
Before it was hushed,
By a careless smile.

A moment passed,
Before my eyes,
I held the moment,
For a while,
And let it fly.


x said...

you didn't really let it fly did you?
you wrote the poem after all. :)

Figurines of glass said...

love this one...reminds me of clouds...letting it pass by...
how u doing with the recipes?

Eric said...

I love to watch clouds move. I could watch them all day.

Tai said...


the Monk said...

impermanence indeed...good one...

JM said...

Certain moments only need to be held for a moment before they etch themselves into your heart.

Oreen said...

i love your white hands . . . so will someday read what they write too . . .

beer mountain beckons . . .

How do we know said...

You write very well!