Sunday, June 25, 2006

Coffee Clouds

Coffee clouds in hidden hills,
Are echoes of green and blue.
Like lover boys,
They chase careless cliffs,
To steal a kiss from you.

Mist covers the rising sun,
Day dreams are dipped in dew.
The mellow rocks,
Have lost their voice,
So I sing their song for you.


JM said...

Pictures worth a thousand words!!
Somehow, I also feel that your words are worth a thousand pictures.

How do we know said...

The mellow rocks,
Have lost their voice,
So I sing their song for you.
.. is nice!

Eric said...

Wriju's at the top of the world!

Wriju said...

Thanks. You are very kind :-)

Its just the way I felt... Thanks :-)

Only a few thousand feet below it. But next week I'll be pretty close to it!

Vasu said...

Sounds like a modern Wordsworthian poem..
