Friday, June 30, 2006

Touch the sky

Taking a break from routine life. This time I have set my sights high. I am going to touch the sky. Wish me luck!

Won't be back for a while. Until then enjoy these amazing pictures from Hemis Gampachen and Tso Moriri.


Eric said...

Best of luck!!

That first one... Wow.

Vasu said...

Hmmm... Good Luck Wri!

How do we know said...

Touch the Sky? Sure! All the Best! And get us a little moon dust! Amrita Pritam would have liked it.

x said...

good luck!
and you don't have a flickr account? with these pictures?
you should! xx

Figurines of glass said...

hey bhondhu..thanks for messaging the other day..we were all in a state of panic...this city's going to the u in b'lore or off to leh already?