Yesterday as I walked past the malls and showrooms I felt the urge to buy something. Something I really didn't need. Something I could definitely live without. Something that I might repent buying later. Something that would be completely superfluous, pointless and vain!
I might have bought the first thing I saw in the showroom. But the red jacket caught my attention and I had to put it on. It fit me and I liked the way it looked when I drew the chain right up to my throat. I noticed it lacked collars. My friend smirked and said the color was too loud, that I might look like a red cherry bobbing up and down in the middle of the street. But I was in a mood to ignore color, collar or any such thing. Well may be I want to bob up and down the street like a red cherry. So shut up!
Ridiculous and Pointless,
Loud and Insane,
I am splashing water,
Dancing in the rain.
Running here and there,
Jumping up, arms outstretched.
You standing there,
Looking at me,
Break all shackles,
Set me free,
And when I run amuck,
Let me be!
My dear little Looonieee :-)
Did I tell you I admire the way you write? Whatever are you reading now? I wanna borrow it.
This pic is a couple of months old. Its actually Hillsdale mall, San Mateo in the Bay Area. Close to San Francisco ;-)
you, my friend are yummy and definitely deserve a red jacket
Thanks for the reassurance! I am wearing it to work today :-D
Not my kind of book for sure! I might fall sick reading it, and then somebody has to heal me with herbs ;-)
Sorry dude! It's not for sale :-)
Malls are created to buy something you don't need. If you like it, wear it. Why do you need anybody's approval for your purchase? And only your opinion counts when it comes to your wardrobe!
Hey, I don't need an approval! I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul :-)
But I confess I find it very hard to decide. The multitude of choices is so confounding! In the mall I am usually vacillating like a pendulum. Naturally I am vulnerable to opinions and suggestions.
I think everybody needs something red to wear. :)
Yes and it would be wonderful if all of us wore red on the same day!
Kind of reminds me of Communism and the Chinese ;-)
nono, no all wearing red on the same day. How would one stand out? One should wear red when everyone else is wearing black. True, it will be loud, but hey, it'll be an interesting experience.
Nic pic, btw ;)
May be it's the redness inside of you that would make you stand out :-)
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